knowledge to manage their incidents efficiently.
About this Event
Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm
Duration: 1 Day
Training Fees: S$420 per pax for A-CERTS Members / $450 per pax for non-members (WSQ funding available for this course)
Accreditation: WSQ Advanced Certificate Module / SCDF: 10 CPD Points / WSHO: NIL
You may visit A-CERTS website at https://www.acerts.org.sg/list-of-training/ to download the full training directory.
This course is designed to equip participants from various industries with CERT team with skills and knowledge to manage their incidents effectively at their premises as a Site Incident Controller (SIC) or incident leader.
This is also a WSQ module accredited by SSG.
Aim of This Course
This competency unit covers the skills and knowledge required by the person in charge of a facility to implement the incident management process during an emergency incident in a process facility. This unit covers the approach, structure, tools, processes, communication methods that can be utilised during an emergency incident.
Who Should Attend?
This course aims to provide personnel already working in the process industry, appointed as the Site Incident Controller (SIC) or Site Main Controller (SMC), with the skills and knowledge required to Implement Incident Management Process. It is targeted at individuals who are currently supervisors or senior technicians from all sectors such as:
- Process Industry
- Construction Industry
- Hospitality Industry
- Retail Industry
- Healthcare Industry
- Commercial Industry
The competency unit would be appropriate for those with operational responsibilities.
Course Content
1. The implications of statutory and organisational requirements.
2. Standard operational requirements.
3. The value of a well written Incident Management Plan.
4. The functional approach to Incident Management.
5. Characteristics of the plant, equipment and facility and associated facilities during emergency situations.
6. Importance of maintaining effective communications (fixed or mobile) with relevant personnel (supervisors, operators, etc).
7. The roles and responsibilities of Incident Management Team members.
8. Command and control principles and techniques.
9. Types of Incident Management tools and resources.
10. Types of appropriate emergency response equipment.
11. Incident mitigating and suppression techniques and strategies.
12. Transition from mitigation operation phase to recovery phase.
13. Emergency response evaluation and debriefs.
14. Identification and communications to relevant stakeholders and government agencies.
What Will You Get Upon Completion?
A downloadable electronic copy of Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by SSG upon completion of assessment.
Do You Need Any Pre-requisite(s) to Attend This?
Preferably have some experience in the CERT.
How much is the training fees?
S$420 per pax (all inclusive) for members of A-CERTS and S$450 per pax for non-members. You can write to A-CERTS at [email protected] for more details.
Is this course subsidised?
Company sponsored participants (Singaporeans & PRs only) can apply for subsidies under the WSQ funding scheme. For more details on the subsidies, please refer to www.skillsconnect.gov.sg.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
The directional details will be sent to participants upon registration of this training.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?
You can contact the administrator at [email protected]
Is my registration transferable?
Your registration can be transferred but you will have to inform the A-CERTS Administrator at [email protected] at least 10 working days in advance.
How do I pay for the training?
Upon registration, the A-CERTS Administrator will advise you on the payment details. Please note that event confirmation is only confirmed with full payment.
What is the refund policy?
A-CERTS does not refund but you are allowed to transfer your seats. Please give notice of at least 10 working days.
The name on the registration doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?
As Certificate will be issued upon completion of this training, please ensure that your details are correct.
A-CERTS Terms and Conditions
- By participating in the above programme, you certify that the information provided is correct. You will not hold the organiser responsbile for any mishap occur during my participation.
- All decisions made by the organiser shall be final.
- By attending this event, you agree to be photographed (if photos are taken by organiser). You hereby grant the organiser a royalty-free right to use photos and information in media press and materials and marketing materials connected to the event.
- For SSG-approved/funded courses, personal/office email address and mobile number are required for submission to SSG for generation of electronic Statement of Attainment and for survey purposes.
- Information provided will be treated with confidentiality and is collected for the purposes to be submitted to the governing bodies, third party service providers, agents and other organisations for, and if applies:
a) accreditation of CPD points,
b) accreditation of SDU point,
c) assessment result submission to SSG,
d) generation of electronic certificates/Statement of Attainment,
e) notification to trainees from SSG,
f) Submission of Info to SSG for TRAQOM surveys (Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement), and
g) for performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of the goods and/or services requested by you;
On Training Grant:
*Trainee must attend full training, sit for and pass all required tests/assessments.
*Trainee must not have applied for SSG (previously known as WDA) course fee subsidy for this particular training course, previously, to be eligible for training grant.
Upon failing the above, trainee is required to pay full fees.
- Please note that event confirmation is only confirmed with full payment.
- Registration is on First-Come-First-Served basis. We regret to inform that reservation of seats will not be entertained.
- Email confirmation generated by Eventbrite is an acknowledgement of your registration. A-CERTS will follow up with another email update prior to the training.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Singapore Polytechnic Graduate's Guild, 1010 Dover Road, Clementi, Singapore
SGD 0.00