4-week Contemporary Dance course with Karol Cysewski: The Four Elements

Mon Feb 26 2024 at 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm

Ardour Academy | Cardiff

Ardour Academy
Publisher/HostArdour Academy
4-week Contemporary Dance course with Karol Cysewski: The Four Elements
This is a 4-week course inspired by the elements: water, air, earth & fire!
Week 1 - 05/02
Water-Inspired Contemporary Dance Class: Immerse yourself in the fluidity and grace of a water-inspired contemporary dance class. Through undulating movements and flowing choreography, dancers will explore the transformative qualities of water, embodying its gentleness, power, and ability to adapt, fostering a deep connection to the ever-changing rhythms of life.
Week 2 - 12/02
Air-Inspired Contemporary Dance Class:
Elevate your dance experience in an air-inspired contemporary class where lightness and breath guide movement. Embracing the ethereal quality of air, dancers will explore suspensions, weightless and dynamic, allowing the choreography to mimic the playfulness and freedom found in the ever-moving currents of the atmosphere.
Week 3 - 19/02
Earth-Inspired Contemporary Dance Class: Ground yourself in a contemporary dance class inspired by the solid foundation of the earth. Dancers will connect with the stability and strength of the ground beneath them, incorporating grounded movements, organic shapes, and explorations of weight and balance. This class encourages a harmonious relationship between the body and the earth, celebrating the grounded energy of the nature.
Week 4 - 26/02
Fire-Inspired Contemporary Dance Class: Ignite your passion in a fire-inspired contemporary dance class that explores the dynamic and energetic qualities of flames. Dancers will embody the fierce intensity and rhythmic patterns associated with fire through powerful, expressive movements, encouraging a connection to inner strength, vitality, and the transformative nature of this element.
All classes will contain appropriate warm up and allow time for reflection and feedback.
The 4-week course is £28, or £8 per week.
All levels are experience and abilities are welcome ?
Book here: https://ardouracademy.com/p/contemporary-feb2024/
Karol studied at The State Ballet School in Poznan, Poland and went on to train at Laban Centre London graduating in 2001. Karol has since worked for several dance companies including Polish Dance Theatre Poland, Carte Blanche Norway, and National Dance Company Wales.
As an independent dance artist, Karol is now working on a project with working title “Requiem”, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Hijinx Theatre and Rubicon Dance.
Karol Cysewski is a passionate and dedicated dance teacher known for his innovative approach, who pays deep appreciation for creativity and technique, developing students’ confidence and joy of movement.
Dyma gwrs 4 wythnos a ysbrydolir gan yr elfennau, sef: dŵr, aer, y ddaear a thân!
Wythnos 1 - 05/02
Dosbarth Dawns Gyfoes a Ysbrydolir gan Ddŵr: Ymgollwch yn rhwyddineb ac urddas y dosbarth dawns gyfoes hwn a ysbrydolir gan ddŵr. Trwy gyfrwng y symudiadau tonnog a’r coreograffi llithrig, bydd y dawnswyr yn archwilio’r nodweddion trawsnewidiol sy’n perthyn i ddŵr, gan ymgorffori ei ysgafnder, ei bŵer a’i allu i addasu, a chan feithrin cysylltiad dwfn â rhythmau cyfnewidiol bywyd.
Wythnos 2 - 12/02
Dosbarth Dawns Gyfoes a Ysbrydolir gan Aer: Dyrchafwch eich profiad o ddawnsio mewn dosbarth dawns gyfoes a ysbrydolir gan aer, lle bydd ysgafnder ac anadl yn llywio pob symudiad. Gan ymgorffori’r ansawdd etheraidd sy’n perthyn i aer, bydd y dawnswyr yn archwilio sut brofiad yw hongian ac yn profi ysgafnder a dynameg, gan alluogi’r coreograffi i ddynwared y natur chwareus a’r rhyddid a geir yng ngheryntau bythol-symudol yr atmosffer.
Wythnos 3 - 19/02
Dosbarth Dawns Gyfoes a Ysbrydolir gan y Ddaear: Dewch o hyd i’ch canol llonydd mewn dosbarth dawns gyfoes a ysbrydolir gan sylfaen gadarn y ddaear. Bydd y dawnswyr yn cysylltu â sefydlogrwydd a chryfder y ddaear oddi tanynt, gan ymgorffori symudiadau cytbwys a siapiau organig a chan archwilio pwysau a balans. Mae’r dosbarth hwn yn annog perthynas gytûn rhwng y corff a’r ddaear, gan ddathlu egni cytbwys natur.
Wythnos 4 - 26/02
Dosbarth Dawns Gyfoes a Ysbrydolir gan Dân: Taniwch eich angerdd mewn dosbarth dawns gyfoes a ysbrydolir gan dân, gan archwilio’r nodweddion dynamig ac egnïol sy’n perthyn i fflamau. Bydd y dawnswyr yn ymgorffori’r tanbeidrwydd ffyrnig a’r patrymau rhythmig sy’n gysylltiedig â thân trwy gyfrwng symudiadau pwerus a llawn mynegiant, gan annog cysylltiad â chryfder mewnol, bywiogrwydd a natur drawsnewidiol yr elfen hon.
Bydd yr holl ddosbarthiadau’n cynnwys sesiwn gynhesu briodol ynghyd ag amser i fyfyrio a rhoi adborth.
Mae’r cwrs 4 wythnos yn costio £28, neu £8 yr wythnos.
Estynnir croeso i bobl â phrofiad a gallu ar bob lefel ?
Archebwch yma: https://ardouracademy.com/cy/p/contemporary-feb2024/
Astudiodd Karol yn Ysgol Ballet y Wladwriaeth yn Poznan, Gwlad Pwyl, ac aeth yn ei flaen i astudio yng Nghanolfan Laban, Llundain, gan raddio yn 2001. Ers hynny, mae Karol wedi gweithio i nifer o gwmnïau dawns, yn cynnwys Theatr Ddawns Gwlad Pwyl, Carte Blanche Norwy a Chwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru.
Fel artist dawns annibynnol, ar hyn o bryd mae Karol yn gweithio ar brosiect a elwir dros dro yn “Requiem", a hefyd gyda Choleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, Theatr Hijinx a Rubicon Dance. Mae Karol Cysewski yn athro dawns llawn angerdd ac ymroddiad. Mae’n enwog am ei ddull arloesol ac am roi sylw mawr i greadigrwydd a thechneg, gan ddatblygu hyder myfyrwyr a’u gorfoledd mewn symud.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Ardour Academy, 64 Pen-Y-Lan Road, Cardiff, CF23 5HW, United Kingdom,Cardiff


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