Our Spring Bouquet Sale is held annually the first Monday in March! We strive to bring light, hope and meaning for all who are impacted by Light Hill's mission. What better way to spread "light" and "hope for Spring" than a lovely floral arrangement?Bouquets are $15. Order with a local group seller or online. Online orders will open soon.
All proceeds support Light Hill, a 501(c)3 compassionate comfort care home supporting the terminally ill. Our home affirms life, hope and meaning for all who enter: our guests approaching the final stages of life, their families, visitors, staff and volunteers.
For questions or to arrange a group order for your business, please call the house at (585) 393-1311 or email MK at [email protected].
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
5160 Parrish St Ext, Canandaigua, NY, United States, New York 14424