2025 AHAA QLD State Championships

Thu, 22 May, 2025 at 08:00 am UTC+10:00

Laidley Showgrounds 2 MacGregor St, Laidley QLD 4341 | Laidley

Australian Horse Archery Association Inc
Publisher/HostAustralian Horse Archery Association Inc
2025 AHAA QLD State Championships
Entries via https://www.trybooking.com/CYFKA
Entries and payment must be received prior to 1 March 2025.
Enquiries: Horse Hire, Accommodation, Airport Transfer
[email protected]
More information in the pinned post in the discussion Tab.
The competition champion will be the winner of the Advanced Class. The QLD State Champion will be the highest-placed resident of QLD in the Advanced Class.
Age categories are: Child (13 and under), Junior (14 to 17), and Senior (18 and over). Additional Canter Novice (those who have not competed in an IHAA HBAE Event at Canter) Awarded to the highest placed Novice Canter Rider.
Competitors can enter two consecutive grades (i.e., walk and trot, or trot and canter), but not walk and canter.
This event is an IHAA HBAE event and includes compliant Raid, Tower, and Hunt tracks.
Walk/Trot will complete alternative suitable tracks. All tracks must be completed to be eligible for Champion in each grade. Combined points from each track will determine the overall winners.
Approved safety riding helmets and closed boots with a heel must be worn at all times whilst on horseback. Bows with non-centre fire, and no handles, grips, or shelves, will be required for the Advanced classes only, as per IHAA rules.
All competition participants are required to be current full financial members of the Australian Horse Archery Association or pay the non-member levy. Non-members may compete by paying the short-term insurance levy fee as part of their entry and completing the self-declaration, or by joining the Association. If joining, membership applications must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the close of nominations for consideration.
All fees must be up to date, and forms and waivers must be signed before entries can be accepted. These are available at www.horsearchery.com.au. Please read the rules before competing at www.horsebackarchery.info.
More Information in the discussion tab.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Laidley Showgrounds 2 MacGregor St, Laidley QLD 4341, 4 MacGregor St, Laidley QLD 4341, Australia,Laidley, Queensland

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