Registration will open on PractiScore May 1st. For updates also go to FB page: 17 South RUN and GUN
The event is held at:
17 South Rod and Gun Club
5899 N Coastal Hwy
Fleming GA. 31309
Information for the Run and Gun Event:
The Run and Gun is an approximately 5 kilometer centerfire biathlon. Participants will carry a rifle, pistol, ammunition, and magazines as they negotiate obstacles and approximately 6-7 shooting stages.
Course of Fire:
The course of fire will not be posted prior to the race/ Top Secret! This is to challenge you in the moment. Expect to shoot rifles to 100-350 yds and pistols to 50yds. Round count average 50 rifle / 50 pistol.
You will need a centerfire rifle and centerfire pistol with enough ammunition to clear the course of fire, eye protection, ear protection, and some form of stopwatch. Water is also highly recommended. You may use any type of gear you want to carry your equipment. Pistols must be carried in a secure holster that covers the trigger guard. Rifles and Pistols will be carried UNLOADED. Cold range until told to load and make ready by your Range Officer. Targets will be steel so no tracers, armor piercing bullets, and bullets with a steel core like M855 are not allowed. Magnum calibers are also not allowed. Your pistol must shoot a pistol caliber round. Your rifle must shoot a rifle caliber round.
Run order will be published several days prior to the race. Run order will be fastest to slowest to prevent backups at shootings stages. The first runner will start at 8 a.m.
Run order will be sent out on PractiScore one week before the event. You must attend a safety brief before being allowed on the course. The safety brief schedule is:
Example of Safety Brief Times:
8 a.m. - 8:54a.m. runners will be at the 7am safety brief.
9:00 a.m. - 9:54 a.m. runners will be at the 8 am safety brief.
10:00 a.m. - 10:54 a.m. runners will be at 9 a.m. safety brief.
11:00 a.m.- 11:54 runners will be at the 10 a.m. safety brief.
12:00 noon - 12:54 p.m. will be at the 11 a.m. safety brief.
1:00 p.m. - 1:54 p.m. will be at the noon safety brief.
We will have a check list to make sure you have attended the safety brief. If you get there earlier and want to attend an earlier safety brief, by all means.
Basic firearm safety will be observed at all times. Do not point your firearm at another human being and keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned on designated targets. Rifles and pistols will only be loaded under the supervision of a Range Safety Officer (RSO). Loaded pistols must remain in a secure holster until shooting a stage under the supervision of a RSO. If you are found to be breaking these rules you will be disqualified and escorted off the premises.
The run route will take you over varying terrain, maybe through water, and/or over/under obstacles. Do not stray from the marked trail or it may take you into the live fire impact area.
When you approach a shooting stage, you will first show the RSO an empty mag well and empty chamber on your rifle, if another shooter is currently on the stage when you arrive, the RSO will tell you to start your stopwatch to keep track of your wait time. It is your responsibility to properly time your wait time. The cumulative wait time, if any, will be subtracted from your overall run time. When the shooter in front of you has cleared the stage, the RSO will record the wait time that you have on your watch.
After explaining the stage to you, the RSO will give you commands to load and begin firing. Every shooting stage will have a time limit/par time plus points down. If the RSO tells you to cease fire you will unload and show clear pistol/rifle. The RSO will tell you your time and record your time on the score card. Do not run with the bolt open on your empty rifle!
At the end of the race your run and shoot scores will be calculated. There will be a random draw of prizes from sponsors that will be awarded.
There will be medical personnel at the event in case of emergencies but be aware of over exertion. It will be hot. There is no shame in slowing down and walking. If you believe you cannot complete the event, an RSO will assist in transporting you back to the start.
If you are a valid RSO/SO/want to help, please email me at: [email protected]
RSO/SO/Staff will shoot for free on Friday
Registration will open on May 1st. We will get a link to pay for the event and for RSO/staff/Runners to sign a waiver. Please pay FIRST then sign up on PractiScore, I will be needing an invoice number on PractiScore in order to register.
$90.00 entry fee. Please wait till May 1st when the new RNG ICON is posted on the 17 South Rod and Gun Club page.
Lodging: Currently 17 South Rod and Gun Club is not set up for camping on the property. We are located right below Savannah Ga. There is a KOA camp ground right off Exit 87, off of I-95 and also numerous hotels.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
17 South Rod and Gun Club, 5899 N. Coastal Highway,Richmond Hill, Georgia, United States