在阿根廷探戈的世界裡,不管你/妳是屬於渴望那綿密如水,那熱烈如火,或是那輕快如風的個性,都可以找到適合的音樂來享受 ; 台大探戈社將帶來學期第一次的體驗社課,探戈中兩個最迷人的元素,走路與擁抱。此次活動適合以下:
- 聽過阿根廷探戈想更進一步了解體驗的朋友
- 想知道阿探和國標及其他社交舞差別的朋友
- 不怕對這個充滿神秘,浪漫感的舞蹈成癮的朋友
- 任何大專院校的在校生
★時間:10/4 星期一 19:00 - 21:30
★地點:第二學生活動中心 502 教室
★服裝 :穿著適合活動的衣服褲子或裙子,也請記得穿著襪子
NTU Argentinian Tango club is holding the first activity this semester to bring you the world of Argentine Tango, whether you're passionate as fire, tranquil as water, or joyful as wind, you'll be able to find the right music to dance with. We will introduce you with the two most important element in tango: the embrace and the walk.
- due to limited space, we will give priorities to current universities and graduate students, ans freshly graduated friends, please fill out the registration form to reserve a spot.
★time:10/4 Mon. 19:00 - 21:30
★location:second student activity center, room 502
★all levels are welcomed, free for the intro activity
★dress code :casual clothes and socks are required for the wooden floor
★drinks are provided
★please fill out the registration form:
*The jumpstart party might be postponed or canceled because of the COVID-19 epidemic, please follow our Facebook fanpage to get announcement.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
台大第二活動中心, Pan-chiao City, China