1000mods are ready to trample upon the heavy rock world and take no prisoner, and you’d better be ready for it!PRVOKATEGORNIKI EVROPSKEGA STONER ROCKA PRIHAJAJO V MARIBOR!
Grški mojstri težkih riffov se v sklopu evropske turneje vračajo v Slovenijo, tokrat prvič v “toti Maribor”. Od njihovega prvega nastopa pri nas leta 2013 v klubu Gromka, kjer so igrali pred peščico navdušencev, so postali svetovno prepoznavna zasedba z zvesto bazo fenov po vsem svetu. Prihajajo iz majhnega mesta Chiliomodi na jugu Grčije, kjer so svojo glasbeno pot začeli z dvema EP-jema - Blank Reality (2007) in Liquid Sleep (2009). Njihov velik mednarodni preboj se je zgodil leta 2010 z albumom Super Van Vacation, ki ga je produciral legendarni Billy Anderson (Sleep, Neurosis). Njihova glasba presega meje stoner/desert rocka in vključuje elemente dooma, psihadelike in še česa.
Za ljubitelje stoner/desert/doom/psychedelic rocka.
KRPL are a heavy rocking power trio from Graz / Austria. Their purely instrumental sound is a mixture of Metal, Stoner, Psychedelic, Doom and a great portion of raw power. Get ready to bang your head!
AYD was formed by three friends and musical enthusiasts in the beginning of 2020 with the intention of making music that combines lowtuned guitar riffs, roaring bass lines and agressive drumming in a cacophonous mix of stoner, doom, sludge and post metal. The band is currently working on their first full length, which can be heard in its entirety at one of their live shows.
Karte kmalu v predprodaji.
EARLYBIRD (do 28.2.) - 15€
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ob železnici 16, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Ob železnici 16, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija,Maribor, Slovenia