被困X逃離 – 永恒的主題: 徐欣羨及張倩薇新敍事照片展 | Trapped x Escape – An Eternal Theme: Narrative Stills by Tracy Choi & Simmy Cheong氹仔城區文化協會獨家呈獻本年度第二個展覽「被困X逃離-永恒的主題:徐欣羨及張倩薇新敍事照片展」,展出由屢獲殊榮的澳門電影導演徐欣羨及電影攝影師張倩薇攜手製作的短片,透過敍事照片, 用不一樣的手法細說一個故事的精髓。
是次展覽呈現她倆累積了十多年的默契, 但有時候也會因為太有默契, 所以想法太一致。透過這部短片製作,她們用靜止的畫面講述一個簡單的故事。一起實驗,回到原點,找回她們的初心。
日期: 14/04-02/07/2021
地點: 氹仔舊城區藝術空間 (氹仔木鐸街10號)
詳情: https://bit.ly/3dLDBSV
查詢: 2857 6118
Taipa Village Cultural Association exclusively presents the second exhibition of the year – “Trapped x Escape – An Eternal Theme: Narrative Stills by Tracy Choi & Simmy Cheong”. Created by award-winning movie director Tracy Choi and cinematographer Simmy Cheong, the exhibition showcases a short film which is compiled by a unique set of narrative still images, uncovering the essence of a story in a different form.
The exhibition unveils the tacit understanding between Tracy and Simmy, who have been working together for more than ten years and sometimes this makes their ideas too consistent. Through this short film production, they hope to return to the original point to tell a simple story with still images, so as to experiment together, return to the origin and regain their original intentions.
?Period: 14/04-02/07/2021
?Venue: Taipa Village Art Space (No. 10, Rua dos Clerigos)
?Details: https://bit.ly/2OywfJX
?Enquiry: 2857 6118
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Taipa Village Art Space, 10 Rua dos Clerigos, Old Taipa Village 氹仔木鐸街 10 號, Macau, Macao