水氣佔領的語言 When Moisture Occupy Language ─ A Project About Sound Poetry
展覽時間:2021/11/21(日)- 2021/12/19(日)
2021/11/21 (日)15:00-17:00
2021/11/24 (三)1930:21:30
(for eng please scroll down)
希尼曾在艾略特講座中《舌頭所管轄》談到舌頭(既指詩人說話發聲的個人天分,也指語言本身的共同資源)被授予了管轄的權利。語言在今天能再如何想像呢?詩人變成一根獲取世界上所有聲音的天線,一個表達他自己的潛意識和集體潛意識的媒介,今天在等待怎樣的時刻呢?我們重思氣候與語言的關係?如何重新打造一種語言上的濕度,從而發展聲音詩的另一種維度呢?《水氣佔領的語言》將透過語言中聲調的特性提出了一個科幻的方案。這個展覽將展出利用聲偽(Deep Voice)來階段性想像當歐洲因為氣候變遷在未來轉身成為音調語言的未來,並討論濕度何以提供聲音詩的另一種可能,跟台灣在地海口腔與水文研究的階段性報告。
2021/11/24(三)1930-21:30 聲偽技術與氣候想像
活動網址 :
印卡,詩人、評論人,曾任臺灣書評雜誌《秘密讀者》編委,巴塞隆納Can Serrat駐村作家、澳門城市藝穗節駐村評論人,英國灣園、UNESCO文學之都布拉格駐村作家。作品與相關評論常見港台藝文雜誌,曾任臺灣表演藝術評論台與國藝會選定的專案表演藝術評論人,並曾獲得國藝會現象書寫評論獎助、第六屆國際藝評人協會(AICA)年輕藝術獎榮譽賞等獎項。出版有詩集《Rorschach Inkblot》、《一座星系的幾何》等作品。近年來關注詩歌跨媒介的向度,如語言書寫體系、音調等元素在冷戰期與技術史轉變下的議題。
When Moisture Occupy Language ─ A Project About Sound Poetry
Exhibition duration: 2021/11/21(Sun)- 2021/12/19(Sun)
Venue:Open Contemporary Art Center (OCAC)
Opening: 2021/11/21(Sun)15:00-17:00
Online event:
2021/11/24 (三)1930:21:30
In Heaney’s Lectures, " The government of tongue", He speaks of poetry as its own vindicating force. In this dispensation, the tongue (representing both a poet’s personal gift of utterance and the common resources of language itself) has been granted the right to govern. How can language be imagined today? What moment awaits the poet who becomes an antenna for all the voices in the world, a medium for expressing his subconscious and collective subconscious? How do we rethink the relationship between climate and language? How can we recreate linguistic wetness to develop another dimension of sound poetry? "When Moisture Occupy Language" presents a sci-fi proposal through the tonal properties of language. This exhibition will showcase the use of audio deepfake to imagine in stages the future of Europe as it transforms into a tonal language due to climate change. It will also discuss how humidity offers an alternative possibility for sound poetry, as well as a report on the hydrographic aspects of the Coastal Taiwanese.
Audio Deepfake Technology and Climate Imagination
online meeting:
Sound is a pathway that has abandoned its animality in favour of language. In linguistic symbolism today, however, the sound is rich in traces of interaction with the environment. Not only can the agricultural history of mankind lead to a new turn of language quality and accent, but also in this wave of linguistic change, which first began in 2017 within linguistics. The earliest of these linguistic shifts was in 2017 in the context of a linguistic battle over wetness and intonation. The exhibition "When Moisture Occupy Language” will explain the roots of the scientific imagery in this exhibition and discuss what sound poetry can do in the face of climate change, as well as the alternative possibilities of audio deepfake technology for discussing biopolitics and surveillance.
Enkaryon Ang has published several poetry collections, such as “Rorschach Inkblot” (2009), and “Hedgehog” (2014). His poems were also collected in the anthologies, Post-80 poets of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (2013), and Evidence of Living (2014). He is one of the editors of the magazine for literary critics, Secret Reader, and a columnist on Art critics in several magazines. He is a resident writer in Can Serrat in 2017, in UNESCO Prague - City of Literature in 2020, in Cove Park in 2021, and also serves as a resident theatre critic in Macau City Fringe Festival in 2018 and 2020. ‘A Galaxy of Howness’ is his latest poetry collection, which describes the emotional changes of the post-digital society in Taiwan. In recent years, he has paid attention to the cross-media dimension of poetry, such as the issues of the language writing system, tone, and other elements during the Cold War and the changes in the history of technology.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
OCAC 打開-當代藝術工作站, 台北市大同區甘州街25號, Taipei, Taiwan 103, Taiwan