氹仔城區文化協會首次與十三組澳門及國際藝術家攜手呈獻「慢賞文化 – 戶外及室內聯展」,展出2016 至 2020 年期間曾於氹仔舊城區藝術空間參展藝術家的精選作品,包括繪畫、插畫、攝影、電影海報及小誌等。作為氹仔城區文化協會歷年的藝術精髓,是次史無前例的展覽將戶外藝術裝置與室內展示完美融合, 呈現十三組澳門及國際藝術家的精選作品,上演一場匯聚歷史文化、互動元素及藝術觀賞的視覺盛宴。除了傳統的室內展示外,藝術體驗還廣泛擴展到戶外觀賞,鼓勵藝術愛好者四處找尋戶外裝置, 從中遊走氹仔舊城區不同角落,體驗城區歷史文化,慢活下來,讓觀者及大眾於區內漫步時發掘不同的藝術品,感受城區獨特的文化魅力。
參展的著名藝術家包括塗鴉先驅P.I.B.G; 攝影藝術家雨果特謝拉(Hugo Teixeira) 及陳顯耀;插畫及視覺藝術家范世康、安娜阿拉岡 (Ana Aragão) 、袁志偉及華堅玉;著名繪畫大師廖文暢;混合媒體藝術家唐重、王瑞麟、梁慕貞及梁慕潔;電影導演兼製片人貝馬善,以及獨立出版藝術家ZINECOOP HK。
João Ó
Taipa Village Cultural Association is delighted to present the first show of the year, entitled “Walking Culture – Outdoor and Indoor Collective Exhibition”, in collaboration with thirteen Macau and international artists who hosted exhibitions at Taipa Village Art Space between 2016 and 2020. A diverse collection of artworks hand-picked by the artists, the exhibition features paintings, illustrations, photography, movie posters, zines and more.
As a distinctive art showcase for Taipa Village Cultural Association’s past few years, this breakout exhibition brings together a unique combination of outdoor art installations and interior displays of selected works by thirteen individual and collaborative talents from Macau and across the world, creating a visual spectacle richly endowed with cultural heritage, interactivity and art appreciation. Going beyond a conventional indoor display, the experience takes art-lovers outdoors, enticing them to stroll among the heritage spots and historic lanes of Taipa Village as they explore the culture, the charm and the distinctive atmosphere of the district.
Notable artists featured in the exhibition include: graffiti pioneer P.I.B.G.; photographic artists Hugo Teixeira and Chan Hin Io; illustration and visual artists Fan Sai Hong, Ana Aragão, Un Chi Wai and Rui Rasquinho; renowned master painter Lio Man Cheong; mixed-media artists Tong Chong, Allen Wong, and Bonnie Leong & Kitty Leung; film director and producer Maxim Bessmertny; and indie publishing collective ZINECOOP HK.
Curator’s Statement
This collective exhibition is more than an art show: it is a celebration dedicated to Taipa Village, its dwellers, cultural charm, colourful history and unique heritage. For this special occasion, we took the art show outdoors, in which all thirteen invited artists are individually featured on large-scale outdoor banners, comprising an informative layout and an enlarged image of their art work. The banners are randomly scattered around the village, prompting a surprise encounter with the visitors who stroll around. A caricature map of the village is specially designed to inform visitors of the location of the artworks and guide them on a cultural and leisure walking tour.
On the other hand, indoors, the art space will feature the original art works to stimulate and excite our beloved collectors. The variety of works represents each artist’s habitual medium of expression, where the array of techniques ranges from printed zines, cinema posters, naïve collage, graffiti, Chinese ink, watercolour, printmaking, ambrotype and photography. In a few words the spirit of Taipa Village Art Space would be: “We believe in talent yet to be discovered, nurture experimentation and promote cultural exchange.”
Participating artists (by order of exhibition shown at Taipa Village Art Space): P.I.B.G, Hugo Teixeira, Fan Sai Hong, Tong Chong, Allen Wong, Ana Aragão, Maxim Bessmertny, Lio Man Cheong, Chan Hin Io, Zinecoop (Hong Kong), Un Chi Wai, Bonnie Leong & Kitty Leung and Rui Rasquinho.
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Taipa Village Art Space, 10 Rua dos Clerigos, Old Taipa Village 氹仔木鐸街 10 號, Macau, Macao