尼古瑪脈輪與哈達瑜伽僻靜 Lady Niguma and Hatha Yoga Retreat

Thu Aug 12 2021 at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tickets finden | Taoyuan

DYHA\u821e\u745c\u4f3d\u990a\u751f\u5354\u6703Dance Yoga Health Association
Publisher/HostDYHA舞瑜伽養生協會Dance Yoga Health Association
\u5c3c\u53e4\u746a\u8108\u8f2a\u8207\u54c8\u9054\u745c\u4f3d\u50fb\u975c Lady Niguma and Hatha Yoga Retreat
妮古瑪女士(Lady Niguma)派別的瑜珈練習可幫助學員為身體與心靈帶來正面的改變,特別著重於藉由體位法的練習,徹底地改造內在心靈,消除體內累積的負面情緒,避免成為追求個人理想生活的阻礙。妮古瑪瑜珈(Lady Niguma’s yoga)是一種非常特別的練習,透過練習,能徹底釋放現代人生活中產生的壓力與煩惱,讓身體保持年輕與窈窕。本堂課程可以為學員帶來具有深度的力量,同時動作安排又相當溫和、容易完成,適合所有程度的學員練習,甚至是完全沒有接觸過瑜珈的新生也可以接受喔!
此種富有能量的練習源自於1000多年以前,由妮古瑪女士(Lady Niguma)與聞名的信奉佛教之瑜珈師Naropa為夥伴所創立的,這也是唯一一種於古印度時期由女性的瑜珈大師所設計、且為人知曉的瑜珈類型。妮古瑪女士(Lady Niguma)將練習傳授給她的學生Kyungpo Neljor,而他又再傳授給藏傳佛教轉世活佛第二世達賴喇嘛(Gendun Gyatso),以及沙卡麗(Karina)的老師 ─ 麥可‧羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)。
在本次25小時培訓中,沙卡麗(Karina)老師將透過故事的方式,帶領學員認識妮古瑪女士(Lady Niguma)派別練習的背景,深度地介紹本練習的內容與方法,並概括介紹哈達瑜伽、瑜伽哲學以及哈達瑜伽練習的基礎應用解剖學。本課程包含課程講解、靜坐冥想,以及體位法練習。以研習課程的方式為在台灣培育妮古瑪女士(Lady Niguma)派別的老師們提供指導與訓練。
妮古瑪女士相信瑜珈的目的是改變內在身體的經絡(channels)和脈輪(chakras),當這些改變了,我們的情緒和外在的世界也會跟著改變。妮古瑪瑜珈的作用在於打開體內六個不同的脈輪,當脈輪都被打開了,氣就能流入中脈(central channel),我們的內心會感受到更平靜,更有創造力和更快樂。很重要的是以正確的順序打開脈輪,這就是為什麼我們一開始要先打開底部的脈輪,再逐漸向上移動,直到打開頭頂的脈輪。

●Classes introduction:
Lady Niguma's yoga is specifically designed to work through the body to transform the mind. It eliminates the negative emotions that prevent us from achieving the life we want by using asanas to transform the inner body. This is a very special kind of yoga that removes the stress of modern working life while simultaneously keeping us young and fit. This series is deeply powerful but gently accessible to students of all levels, even those totally new to yoga! Once learned, it is a half-hour practice that can be used daily to keep your heart open in even the most challenging circumstances.
It eliminates negative emotions and obstacles that prevent us from achieving the life we want by using asanas and special inner practices to transform the body and mind.
This powerful yoga was developed 1,000 years ago by Lady Niguma, partner of renowned Buddhist yogi Naropa, and is the only known series specifically designed by a female yoga master from ancient India. Lady Niguma passed the practice on to her student Kyungpo Neljor, who passed it on through a long Buddhist lineage to the second Dalai Lama Gendun Gyatso and to Karina's own teacher Geshe Michael Roach.
In this 25 hour training, Karina illustrates the history of Lady Niguma through stories and provides an in-depth presentation of her yoga and how it works as well as an introduction to Hatha Yoga in general, Yoga Philosophy and Anatomy basics applied to hatha yoga practice. Lecture, meditation, mantra chanting and a guided asana practice will be included.This is Lady Niguma retreat in Taiwan.
Lady Niguma believes that yoga’s purpose is to change the inner body of channels and chakras. When this changes, our emotions and our outer world change as well. In Lady Niguma's yoga, we work to open six different chakras. When chakras are opened, prana can flow in the central channel. We feel calmer, more creative and happier. It is important to open the chakras in the right order. That's why we start opening lower chakras first, gradually moving up to the one at the very top of our head.

• 關於妮古瑪女士
• 關於哈達瑜伽
• 哈達瑜伽的基礎應用解剖學
• 瑜伽哲學
• 肉體與能量體
• 氣脈
• 氣結
• 脈輪
• 打開脈輪
• 四步驟
• 體位法序列 – 將會根據您的需要進行調整
• 種子音
• 清理氣脈
• 四無量心
• 梵唱
●Topics to be included:
• About Lady Niguma
• About Hatha yoga
• Applied Anatomy Biomechanics of the human body
• Yoga Philosophy
• Physical body and energy body
• The Channels
• The Knots
• The Chakras
• Opening the Chakras
• The four steps
• The sequence – adaptation according to your needs
• The bija mantras
• Karma and emptiness
• Nadi Shodana
• The four infinite thoughts
• Chanting

Event Venue

Tickets finden, Taoyuan

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