加拿大全國獅藝獅裁判研習營 Canada National Lion Dance Judges Training Camp

Wed, 28 Jun, 2023 at 09:00 am to Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 at 04:30 pm

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | Edmonton

Canada Dragon & Lion Dance Sports Association - \u52a0\u62ff\u5927\u9f8d\u7345\u904b\u52d5\u5354\u6703
Publisher/HostCanada Dragon & Lion Dance Sports Association - 加拿大龍獅運動協會
\u52a0\u62ff\u5927\u5168\u570b\u7345\u85dd\u7345\u88c1\u5224\u7814\u7fd2\u71df Canada National Lion Dance Judges Training Camp
1. 主辦單位: 加拿大龍獅運動協會
Organizing Entity: Canada Dragon & Lion Dance Sports Association
2. 主講導師:蕭斐弘師傅和陳培森師傅-馬來西亞
Guest Speakers: Master H.P. Siow & Master Tan Puay Sen – Malaysia
3. 日期/時間:六月二八日 至六月三十日,二零二三 (9 am – 4:30 pm)
Date/Time: Jun 28th - 30th ,2023 (9 am – 4:30 pm)
4. 地點 (Venue):Ukrainian National Federation (10629 98 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 2N6)
5. 證書頒發儀式:金漢龍庭大酒樓 (Jun 30th – 7:00 pm)
Certificate Presentation: Dynasty Century Palace Restaurant (Jun 30th – 7:00 pm)
(Registration Fee includes a ten-course dinner at Dynasty Century Palace Restaurant)
6. 宗旨:提升舞獅運動,培訓國家級舞獅裁判。
Objectives: Promote and preserve the art of Lion Dance, cultivate local national lion dance judges
7. 課程:國際南獅競賽規則,裁判法 / 裁判過程 / 裁判工作
Syllabus: International Competition and Judging Rules of Southern (Nan Shi) Lion Dance / Lion Dance Competition – Rules and Regulations / Judging Process / Judges Responsibilities and Duties)
8. 參加資格/年齡:十八歲以上,據對舞獅運動愛好者,對舞獅稍具有根基,由團體或教練推薦,並願意遵守參加規則。
Requirements: Individual aged 18+, who has an interest, basic foundation, and knowledge of Lion Dance. Individual(s) recommended by a Lion Dance group, organization, individual coach, or instructor. Willing to abide by the rules and regulations.
9. 課程供應:講義資料, 證書, T-恤
Provided materials: Syllabus Notes, Certificate, T-Shirt
10. 報名處 (Registration) :
聯繫人:楊謙華師傅 ( Sifu Michael Yong )
電話/Telephone: 780-266-2268
電郵/Email: [email protected].
加 拿 大 龍 獅 運 動 協 會
Canada Dragon & Lion Dance Sports Association
P O Box 91118, Edmonton RPO Mcleod Park, AB T5Z 0H0.
Office: 780.473.8789 | Cell: 780.266.2268 | Email: [email protected]
11. 報名費 (Registration Fee) :
➢ 個人報名費 - $280.00/人 (Individual - $280.00).
➢ 請清楚填報確認資料,附 2 張人頭相片,及交清報名費. (Please attach 2 passport size photos and make full payment upon registration.)
➢ 截止日期 /Registration Deadline: 六月十一日,二零二三 (Sun. Jun 11th, 2023).
12. 參加規則須知(Rules and Regulations):
a. 穿著齊制服.(大營提供 T 恤,自備長褲及布鞋)
Wear a proper and tidy uniform. (Organizer provides T-Shirt)
b. 遵守課程,及研習營流程序,不得遲到/早退/缺席
Follow course syllabus. Be punctual, late attendance/early retreat/absence from the course are not allowed.
c. 尊師重道,不得喧嘩不得無禮及離提發表己見,發問必先舉手
Respect all Masters and course participants, keep a harmonious atmosphere; raise your hand before asking or giving an opinion.
d. 自備記錄簿,筆墨
Provide your own stationery.
e. 上課時必須將手機調成靜音或振動模式.禁止在課堂上吸煙或進食
Set all cell phones either on mute or on vibrates, no smoking or eating allowed in class.
f. 除了營會安排,參加者個別開支,須自行付費
Apart from the arrangements made by the organizer, other expenses incurred by the participants will be the responsibility of the participants themselves.
g. 凡報名參加者缺席,營會一概不退還報名費
No refund on any payment if the participant chooses to drop the course or absence from the course after registration.
h. 參加者必須於:2023年6月28日, 早上 9:00 點之前報到
All participants must arrive at the venue for registration by 9:00 am on June 28, 2023.
i. 上述收費不包括接/送交通
Participants shall be responsible for their own transportation.
加 拿 大 龍 獅 運 動 協 會
Canada Dragon & Lion Dance Sports Association
P O Box 91118, Edmonton RPO Mcleod Park, AB T5Z 0H0.
Office: 780.473.8789 | Cell: 780.266.2268 | Email: [email protected]
j. 國外參加者,如須本會安排交通接送及主宿,須事先通知,以便安排交通接送及主宿客房. (費用自付)
Please inform the organizer should you require assistance in making transportation or accommodation arrangements. Participants are responsible for all transportation and accommodation costs.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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