2024年にラース・ミュラー・パブリッシャーズから出版されたゴレッリ氏と北山氏の写真集「Hydroelectric Sublime(水力美学)」では、人間、エネルギー、水の複雑な結びつきを解明するため、スイス・ヴァレー州にあるエモッソン地方を3年間かけて旅し、エモッソンダムのような現代工学による巨大な構造物を記録すると同時に、渓谷地域の歴史を掘り下げ、写真、エッセイ、インタビューを織り交ぜながら、ダムの電力に依存して暮らす人々と自然との複雑な関係を明らかにしています。
本レクチャーでは、「Hydroelectric Sublime(水力美学)」やこれまでの活動についてお話しいただきます。またラース・ミュラー氏を交え、「The Senses in Architecture」をテーマとしたトークセッションも行われます。
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab 2階
KYOTO Design Lab will hold a public lecture by Beatrice Gorelli and Keiichi Kitayama. Beatrice Gorelli is a photographer, graphic designer and creative director based in Locarno, Switzerland, and Keiichi Kitayama is a photographer and film director based between Berlin, Lausanne, Locarno and Tokyo.
In their new book “Hydroelectric Sublime”, published by Lars Müller Publishers in 2024, they spent three years traveling through the Emosson region in the Swiss Valais to uncover the intricate bond between humans, energy and water. Hydroelectric Sublime weaves together photographs, essays and interviews that document a grand feat of modern engineering such as the Emosson Dam, while also delving into the history of the valley region, revealing the complex relationship between people who live depending on the hydroelectric power and the environment.
In this lecture, Gorelli and Kitayama will talk about “Hydroelectric Sublime” and their past projects. There will also be a talk session on “The Senses in Architecture” with Lars Müller.
Date&Time | Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 13:00–14:30
Venue | 2F, KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Admission is free and no application is required.
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Event Venue
京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab, 京都府京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1,Kyoto, Japan