Fri Oct 25 2024 at 04:00 pm to Sun Oct 27 2024 at 05:00 pm UTC+08:00

日月潭 帖泊喀快樂園區 | Puli

Eden Hill Festival \u4f0a\u7538\u9ad8\u539f\u6236\u5916\u97f3\u6a02\u7bc0
Publisher/HostEden Hill Festival 伊甸高原戶外音樂節
\u4f0a\u7538\u9ad8\u539f\u6236\u5916\u97f3\u6a02\u7bc0 EDEN HILL FESTIVAL 2024 \u2015 SUN MOON LAKE (English Version Below)
專人服務 (Personal Service) : lin.ee/2Wuzg7w
會場地圖 (Venue Map) : tiny.cc/yikzyz
伊甸 IG (Eden Hill Instagram): Instagram.com/edenhill_festival
伊甸社群 (Eden Hill Community): tiny.cc/hk51zz

走出城市,回歸自然,這個秋天與我們共同前進唯一來自台灣中央山脈的 TECHNO 年度夢幻之旅。今年伊甸高原聚焦台灣聞名國際的景點 ― 南投日月潭國家風景區,即將呈現台灣銳舞史上首次的盛大創舉。力邀來自世界各地多組海內外電聲藝人齊聚狂歡,在湖光山色與蒼幽碧翠的綠光森林中享受獨一無二的身心靈歡愉體驗。


█ 演出陣容 Artist
國際藝人 International
Tadan 🇱🇹
K.O.P. 32 [Live Set] 🇫🇷
Red Scan 🇫🇷
Sandra Mosh 🇸🇪
Lego 🇸🇪
Sodeyama 🇯🇵
Chayah 🇩🇪
Selected Dream Memories 🇫🇷

本地藝人 Local Hero
Auguste 🇫🇷
Dark Lo
Edward Castaneda 🇬🇹
Freed 🇩🇪
Guan Ü 🇩🇪
Ian Gouriet 🇬🇧
Jamie Q
Kevin Balladares 🇳🇮
Onyria 🇷🇺
Pelatto 🇪🇸
Psy Lance
Type 2 Error 🇭🇳
Viktor Yeh
Yellow Snap 🇫🇷
石井夕陽 🇯🇵

█ 三日門票
學生票 : 2600 NTD (持有效學生證入場)
第一波 : 3300 NTD (已售罄)
第二波 : 3600 NTD (至10月12日12點)
第三波 : 3900 NTD (至10月24日12點)
當日票 : 4900 NTD (限全家與KKTIX購買)
四人團票 : 13200 NTD

█ 單日門票 (限入場起24小時內離場)
第一波 : 1800 NTD (至9月30日12點)
第二波 : 2100 NTD (至10月24日12點)
當日票 : 2500 NTD (限全家購買與KKTIX購買)

█ 兒童票
600 NTD 90公分以下免購票,90公分以上未滿150公分需買兒童票。

█ 白金帳篷租借
4500 NTD (兩夜)
3-4人適用,內含營位、睡墊睡袋,免自行收搭 (限量30組)

█ 營位
1000 NTD (一夜)
1500 NTD (兩夜)
500 NTD (學生限定)

█ 交通指引
大眾運輸:至台中高鐵站1F搭乘南投客運 (6670) 抵達日月潭站,再搭乘南投客運環湖巴士(6669)至日月潭纜車站即可抵達會場。
環湖巴士時刻表 :http://www.ntbus.com.tw/s03.html
伊甸高原回程接駁巴士 (10/27日,18:00發車)
台北 1000 NTD 台中高鐵站 500 NTD
(台北至會場單趟 5500NT,上限8位,建議乘坐6-7位)
https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=yyy888 或撥打 0968738810

█ 關於伊甸高原音樂節
伊甸高原由 Finique Productions 於2012年所創立,我們的使命是通過高質量的電子音樂融入台灣壯麗的山川景致,以音樂、藝術、自然與愛連結所有喜好共同音樂的社群。用生命深刻感受音樂、自然與藝術的完美結合,在文藝復興的傳承中也讓世界看見台灣浩翰動人的絕美風景。我們相信音樂與自然可融合成一種和諧的連結,讓生命創造出更具有意義的啟發,在獨特的氛圍中通過卓越的音樂揚升靈魂的維度。遙望那晨曦之美、日落雲海、夜幕繁星,走入自然,讓音樂圍繞,遇見、微笑,回到伊甸園般純粹美好。從白晝到暗夜的瞬變間與自然合而為一,體驗生命最特別的一刻。

█ 關於音樂
我們致力於策劃獨特、富有靈魂且前瞻性的電子音樂場景,帶有魔幻力量且具有能夠療癒心靈的聲波和節拍。我們的藝術家創造出不僅讓人跳舞,還能帶領聽眾走過一段具有轉化力的音樂旅程,這反映了他們的願景和信念。我們的音樂風格涵蓋 House、Techno、Psy Trance、Ambient、Down-Tempo、Experimental 和現代古典等多種類型。

█ 關於停車
本活動無販售停車位,會場旁即有大型公共停車場 (日月潭纜車站)抵達會場時可先於會場入口處卸下裝備,再將車停妥至停車場,所有車輛均不得開進會場。

█ 伊甸高原音樂節美食聚落與藝術市集
報名表 : https://tinyurl.com/mj2y4zhd

█ 伊甸高原工作人員與志工招募
報名表 : https://tinyurl.com/3ykf8vfn

█ 活動規則
1. 門票僅為入場資格使用,不含營位。
2. 本活動開放攜帶外食與飲用水,酒精類或其他飲料嚴禁攜帶入場,如查獲違禁品將以沒收處理且不退還,活動期間會場均有多樣化餐飲服務。
3. 請妥善保管票卷,如票卷遺失、破損導致無法辨識,一律不予補發。
4. 伊甸高原為推廣環境保護與垃圾減量,我們期許在未來能成為最環保乾淨的戶外音樂節品牌,為身為地球公民盡一分心力,活動期間均不提供一次性餐具,請自行攜帶杯子與餐具。
5. 入場時間 : 2024年10月25日15:00,離場時間 : 10月27日17:00。請務必於活動結束後一小時內離場。
6. 嚴禁攜帶危險物品或具攻擊性武器進場 ,如 : 刀子、剪刀、煙火、球棒等。如查獲違禁品均以沒收處理。
7. 本票卷一經售出,即不接受任何理由退票,付款後代表同意此規則。
8. 請來賓互相自重,如有神智不清,或打架鬧事等違法情事,主辦單位有權請求強制離場,情節嚴重一律報警處理。
9. 本活動因不可抗力或特殊原因無法執行時,主辦單位有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停。參加活動者,視同承認本規定之效力,如有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留修改、終止、變更活動內容細節之權利。
10. 本活動為健康音樂休閒活動,我們採毒品零容忍政策並與當地執法機關合作,請勿攜帶任何違法物品入場,如經查獲一律移送法辦並保留商譽受損賠償之請求,請確保活動中行為均合乎中華民國法律規範。

贊助單位:Pioneer DJ

This fall, join us on the one and only annual Techno dream journey from Taiwan's Central Mountain Range. For the first time, Eden Hill Festival will take place in the internationally renowned Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area in Nantou, Taiwan, presenting an unprecedented milestone in Taiwan's dance music history. We have invited multiple international and local electronic music artists from around the world to come together and celebrate, offering a unique physical and spiritual experience amidst the picturesque scenery of the lake and the serene Green Light Forest.

As Taiwan's first outdoor music festival brand that combines extreme sports, this year's Eden Hill Festival not only promises an exhilarating musical journey but also deeply connects with diverse outdoor activities around the lake. Experience the tranquility of sunrise stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), leisurely explore the hidden corners of Sun Moon Lake, ride a bike along the lakeside trails, embark on light hiking challenges, or set sail with friends to find that soul-stirring moment in the golden reflections of the sunset over the lake.

█ 3 Day Pass
Student Ticket: 2600 NTD (Valid student ID required)
Wave 1 : 3300 NTD (Sold Out)
Wave 2 : 3600 NTD (Until 12:00 PM on October 12)
Wave 3 : 3900 NTD (Until 12:00 PM on October 24)
Group Ticket for 4 : 13200 NTD
At-Door Tickets : 4900 NTD (Limited to Family Mart & KKTIX purchases only)

█ 1 Day Pass (Must exit within 24 hours of entry)
First Wave: 1800 NTD (Until 12:00 PM on September 30)
Second Wave: 2100 NTD (Until 12:00 PM on October 24)
Same-Day Ticket: 2500 NTD (Family Mart purchases only)
Friends purchasing single-day tickets must submit a deposit of 3000 NTD at the ticket booth. The deposit will be refunded on-site if you leave the venue within 24 hours after entering)
█ Children under 90 cm tall enter free, and those between 90 cm and less than 150 cm require a discounted ticket. (3 days 600 NTD)

█ Platinum Tent Rental: 4500 NTD (Two nights)
Suitable for 3-4 people, includes camping space, sleeping mats, sleeping bags, and setup.

█ Camping Space
1000 NTD (1 night)
1500 NTD (2 nights)
500 NTD (student only)
Each camping space allows one tent. Free-form camping is allowed without designated areas. Tent size should not exceed three meters on any side. Larger tents require additional spaces (e.g., over six meters requires two spaces).

█ Transportation Guide
Public Transport : Take the Nantou Bus (6670) from Taichung High-Speed Rail Station 1F to Sun Moon Lake Station. Then, transfer to the Nantou Bus Lake Circular Line (6669) to reach the Sun Moon Lake Ropeway Station, which is next the event venue.
Taichung HSR to Sun Moon Lake Schedule: http://www.ntbus.com.tw/hsr6.html
Lake Circular Bus Schedule: http://www.ntbus.com.tw/s03.html
Eden Hill Return Shuttle Bus (October 27, 18:00 departure)
Taipei : 1000 NTD / Taichung HSR Station : 500 NTD
Private Driver Booking Consultation:
Taipei to the venue : 5500 NTD (Maximum of 8 people, recommended for 6-7 people)
https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=yyy888 or call 0968738810

█ About Eden Hill
Founded by Finique Productions in 2012, our mission at Eden Hill is to connect all music enthusiasts through high-quality underground electronic music, set amidst Taiwan's magnificent landscapes. We blend music, art, nature, and love to create a community that shares a passion for music. Experience the perfect harmony of music, nature, and art, showcasing Taiwan's breathtaking scenery to the world through a renaissance of creativity.
We believe that music and nature can form a harmonious connection that brings boundless joy and meaningful inspiration. In a unique atmosphere, exceptional music elevates the soul to new dimensions. Marvel at the beauty of dawn, the sea of clouds at sunset, and the starry night sky. Step into nature, surrounded by music, where smiles abound, returning to the pure beauty of Eden. Unite with nature from day to night, experiencing the most extraordinary moments of life.

We aim to curate unique, soulful, and forward-thinking vibrations in electronic music, offering sound waves and beats that possess the magical ability to heal the mind and soul. Our artists are dedicated to crafting not just danceable tunes, but also immersive musical journeys that resonate with their visions and beliefs. Our musical focus spans across genres including House, Techno, Psy Trance, Ambient, Down-Tempo, Experimental, and Modern Classical.

█ Parking Information
There are no parking passes for sale at the event. A large public parking lot is available near the venue (Sun Moon Lake Cable Car Station). Upon arrival, unload your equipment at the entrance and park your car in the designated parking area. No vehicles are allowed inside the venue.

█ Vendor Applications
We welcome international cuisine, artists, handmade goods, and service vendors. Share your unique art and products with festival-goers. https://tinyurl.com/mj2y4zhd

█ Eden Hill Staff and Volunteer Recruitment
If you love music, nature, and believe in universal laws, you have the chance to join the Eden Hill team. https://tinyurl.com/3ykf8vfn

█ Event Rules
1. Tickets only grant entry to the event and do not include a camping site.
2. Attendees are allowed to bring outside food and water. However, alcoholic beverages and other drinks are strictly prohibited. Any contraband will be confiscated without return. A variety of food and drink services will be available at the venue.
3. Please keep your tickets safe. Lost or damaged tickets that are unrecognizable will not be reissued.
4. To promote environmental protection and waste reduction, Eden Hill Festival aims to become the most eco-friendly outdoor music festival. We will not provide disposable tableware, so please bring your own cups and utensils.
5. Entry time: 3:00 PM on October 25, 2024. Departure time: 5:00 PM on October 27, 2024. Please leave the venue within one hour after the event ends.
6. Dangerous items or offensive weapons such as knives, scissors, fireworks, and bats are strictly prohibited. Any contraband found will be confiscated.
7. Once tickets are sold, no refunds will be issued for any reason. Payment signifies agreement to this rule.
8. Attendees should respect each other. If anyone is found to be intoxicated, fighting, or causing trouble, the organizers reserve the right to enforce removal from the venue. Severe cases will be reported to the police.
9. In case of special circumstances that prevent the event from taking place, the organizers reserve the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the event. Participation in the event signifies acceptance of these rules. The organizers also reserve the right to modify, terminate, or change event details as necessary.
10. This event promotes a healthy music and leisure environment. We enforce a zero-tolerance policy on drugs and will cooperate with local law enforcement. Do not bring any illegal substances to the venue. Any violations will be prosecuted, and compensation for any damage to our reputation will be sought. Ensure all activities comply with the laws of Taiwan.

Host by : Finique Productions
Sponsor : Pioneer DJ

Event Venue

日月潭 帖泊喀快樂園區, 台灣555南投縣魚池鄉日月村中正路102號保時捷,Yüchih, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan, Puli


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