About this Event
✨ 未来就业新风向:值得关注的热门领域🔍 如何选择适合自己的专业,找到职业方向🚀 从课堂到职场:将你的专业转化为成功📊 新兴职业趋势解析,抢占先机
本次讲座,我们将为大家解析三个不同专业,包括商业学、运动机能学和包装学。我们邀请到了 Michigan State University 和 Bryant University 的招生官,来为大家介绍这三个专业。
活动详情🌟 此活动将以英语和中文进行。
EducationUSA Launches New Lecture Series - Majors and Career Opportunities
Having difficulty choosing a major?
Unsure about which industry suits you best?
Is your current major aligned with your future career?
Are you prepared for the rapidly changing job market?
What is the impact of AI on future employment?
This lecture series will provide you with the latest insights and practical guidance to help you with career planning:
✨ Future Job Trends: Hot Fields to Watch
🔍 How to Choose the Right Major and Find Your Career Path
🚀 From Classroom to Career: Turning Your Major into Success
📊 Emerging Career Trends: Seize the Opportunities
Whether you are exploring academic directions or planning your career, this event offers essential content you won't want to miss.
This new lecture series will help you learn about various majors and career opportunities at different U.S. universities, guiding you to take your first step towards success!
In this session, we will explore three different majors: Business, Kinesiology, and Packaging. We have invited admissions officers from Michigan State University and Bryant University to introduce these three fields.
🌟 This event will be conducted in English and Chinese.
Speakers 讲座嘉宾介绍:
Andrew Kupec
Title: Director of International Admission, Bryant University
Xinyu Guo
Title: Admission Representative, Bryant University
Luo Jing
Title: Director of Marketing and Recruitment, Beijing, Michigan State University
Event Venue
USD 0.00