| 不完美的起司? Imperfect Cheese? |

Mon Apr 05 2021 at 12:30 pm to 06:00 pm

一時無酉 abvless | Taipei

\u4e00\u6642\u7121\u9149 abvless
Publisher/Host一時無酉 abvless
| \u4e0d\u5b8c\u7f8e\u7684\u8d77\u53f8? Imperfect Cheese? |
「 風土與在地化」、「 永續與環保」、「 後疫情時代的發展」、「 無酒精飲品」,
去年延續至今的餐飲議題,還有一項絕對不能被忽視的「 純素料理」。
無酒精的酒吧?相信「 一時無酉」對於許多新朋友們來說,一直以來都是特立獨行的存在。

| 活動說明 |
餐會日期:2021/4/5 (星期一),清明連假最後一日。
時段1 . 12:30-14:00⁣
時段2 . 14:30-16:00 ⁣
時段3 . 16:30-18:00 ⁣
費用為 NT$ 1,350 元 / 位 ( 已包含10%服務費 )
* 固定菜單,含以純素起司烹調之1道前菜、2道鹹點及1道甜點,2杯搭餐無酒精調酒及餐後茶/咖啡。
* 所有餐點及飲品為純素食、且不含酒精。
餐會地點:一時無酉 abvless (台北市中山區中山北路二段26巷18號)
/. 活動採預約制,請於售票連結提供的填選表單,並安排匯款,方能完成預約。
/. 此次餐會屬特別活動,恕菜單無法做任何調整⁣。
/. 因餐會需待所有貴賓到齊才將如期開席,敬請提早或準時抵達。⁣
/. 我們將依照訂單順序,以郵件或電話聯繫預約情況,如若欲預約時段已滿,可選擇退款或改約其他時段。
/. 預約完成後,活動日以前7天內取消預約恕不退款。
| Imperfect Cheese? | Pop-up Vegan Cheese Tapas Bar|
Beside non-alcoholic drinks, pure vegan cuisine is also a new trend in this few years.
Our good friend vegan chef Adrian has launch his new vegan cheese brand,
and we decide to make a pop-up tapas bar and pair with our non-alcoholic cocktail.
The vegan cheese is made by several kinds of nuts, soy milk, coconut milk yogurt through secondary fermentation and maturation.
Imperfect cheese pair with imperfect cocktail, we invite you to enjoy the beauty of imperfection.

| Event details |
Date:2021/4/5 (Monday), national holiday of Qingming Festival.
Slot 1 . 12:30-14:00⁣
Slot 2 . 14:30-16:00 ⁣
Slot 3 . 16:30-18:00 ⁣
Price NT$ 1,350 per person (10% service charge are included)
* Set menu included 1 appetizer, 2 tapas and 1 dessert which included vegan cheese, 2 non-alcoholic cocktails, tea/coffee after the meal.
* The set menu is pure vegan and non-alcoholic.
Venue: 一時無酉 abvless (No. 18, Lane 26, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)
/. This event is reservation-only, please find the link provided through the "Ticket" function, fill in the reservation form, then arrange payment via bank-in to complete your reservation.
/. Please note that this is a special event and the menu cannot be adjusted.⁣
/. The meal will be served after all guests arrive, please kindly arrive on time.⁣
/. We will make booking arrangements based on the time of form submitted, phone-calls and e-mails will be sent for booking confirmation. If the subject slot is fully occupied, you may choose to change the time-slot or refund.
/. Once the reservation is confirmed, please note that a refund is unavailable if cancellation is made within 7 days before the event date.
匯款資訊如下 :
Bank in information:
ATM轉帳 / 銀行匯款
銀行代碼 Bank Code:012 富邦銀行(八德分行)
銀行帳號 Back A/C:3401-0211-0612
戶名 A/C Name:不東有限公司

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

一時無酉 abvless, 中山北路二段26巷18號, Taipei, Taiwan 10445, Taiwan


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