The Rocking Dream 區秀詒 × 陳侑汝個展
Au Sow Yee × ChenYow-Ruu Solo Exhibition
+++For English, Please scroll down+++
展期:2025.03.08 — 05.11,2pm - 8pm,週三至日
開幕酒會:2025.03.08 (六) 3pm - 6pm
地點:立方計劃空間 (100台北市中正區羅斯福路四段136巷1弄13號2樓)
* 4/3-6日 春假期間休展
>>>> 展期活動 <<<<
一、Si Tanggang之夜
日期:2024.04.10 (四),7:00pm -9:45pm
*含電影《Si Tanggang》(1961) 放映,片長約2小時,馬來語發音,英文字幕
二、The Rocking Dream對談
日期:2024.05.03 (六),2:00pm -3:30pm
立方很榮幸邀請藝術家區秀詒與陳侑汝舉行展覽《The Rocking Dream》,此為Her Lab Space這個雙人組合的首次聯合個展。
本展延伸自兩人於2024年受新加坡美術館(Singapore Art Museum)委託創作的作品《噩夢搖擺》(Bad Dream Rocking a.k.a The Rocking Malay(a)),藉由馬來民間故事「Si Tanggang」探索身份邊界的不穩定狀態,以影像、聲音檔案、模型等混合元素,展開傳說、記憶、政治的複雜變貌。「Si Tanggang」述說背棄母親追尋財富、階級、新身份以及族裔的主角被母親詛咒變成石頭的故事。結合馬來西亞無證兒童(undocumented children)的訪談和對於這則民間傳說的重述和想像,《噩夢搖擺》以重演、改編、解構、新聞報導以及後設等多重轉生追溯「Si Tanggang」的各種迭代。透過這個故事的解構與重構,Her Lab Space將「Si Tanggang」重新詮釋為一則關於內部與外部、原生與外來者等的多重辯證,如偶有的噩夢一般,搖擺的機器。
展名「The Rocking Dream」提示了英文「Rocking」一字的雙關語,字根Rock為石頭,「Rocking」則意指搖晃、搖擺狀態。本展以石頭的堅硬和搖擺的晃動拉鋸,隱喻身份建構和解構的複雜政治。
>>>> 關於Her Lab Space(她的實驗室空間集) <<<<
Her Lab Space網頁:
>>>> 參展藝術家簡歷 <<<<
出生成長於吉隆坡,現居臺北。其創作主要以動態影像、觀念、裝置等混合形式,探討和擴延影像與影像製造以及和歷史、政治、權力之間的關係。曾入圍「2018 Han Nefkens 基金會 – 巴塞隆納Loop 錄像藝術獎」、「2018年亞太藝術獎」、第十八屆與十四屆台新藝術獎,獲2021臺北美術獎優選。作品在新加坡美術館(Singapore Art Museum)「Lost & Found: Embodied Archive」(2024)、2023沙迦雙年展、2022釜山雙年展、東京森美術館「太陽雨:從1980 年代至今的東南亞當代藝術」(2017)、柏林HKW「2或3隻老虎」(2 or 3 Tigers,2017)、首爾國立現代美術館「亞洲電影與錄像藝術論壇」(Asian Film and Video Art Forum,2017)、曼谷文化與藝術中心「狀態報告:連結模式」(Condition Report: Mode of Liaisons,2017)、2018台北雙年展「後自然:美術館作為一個生態系統」、廣州時代美術館「離岸之歌」(2021-2022)等展覽發表。
出生於高雄,現居臺北。擅長劇場導演與空間構成,個人創作關心當地環境、人文現象,剖析萬物聲響並切入自我觀點,透過生活經驗觀察,提出人與空間、身體、聲音之關係,創作領域不設限於劇場、視覺裝置、聲響錄像等多元思考,近年作品也與影像、新媒體、舞蹈、音樂等其他領域之藝術家合作。劇場導演作品包括2023晃晃跨幅町《慾望街車》、瘋戲樂工作室《搖滾芭比》、2022臺北藝術節《黑洞春光》等。2023年與藝術家區秀詒一同受邀參與德國曼海姆G7劇場SYNTOPIA計畫,其他共製作品聯展包括2024新加坡美術館(Singapore Art Museum)「Lost & Found: Embodied Archive 」、「2023移地行動—游人如織」新北市立美術館、 「超限社會」臺灣當代文化實驗場(2022)、「情書・手繭・後戰爭」(策展人陳湘汶)於印尼日惹Lorong畫廊與臺北關渡美術館展覽(2019)、2017臺北市立美術館《ARENA:社交場》(策展人蕭淑文)。
主辦 | 立方計劃空間、她的實驗室空間集
贊助 | 國藝會、台北市文化局
The Rocking Dream: Au Sow Yee × Chen Yow-Ruu Solo Exhibition
Date:2025.03.08 — 05.11, 2pm - 8pm, Wed – Sun
Opening: 2025.03.08 (Sat) 3pm - 6pm
Venue: TheCube Project Space, Taipei
*Closed during April 3 - 6 for spring break.
>>>> Events <<<<
I. The Night of Si Tanggang
Date: 2024.04.10 (Thu),7pm -9:45pm
Venue: TheCube Project Space, Taipei
Discussants: Enkaryon Ang, Shen Bo-Yi
*including the screening of Si Tanggang (1961), in Malay language with English subtitles, approximately 2 hours
II. A Talk on The Rocking Dream
Date: 2024.05.03 (Sat),2pm -3:30pm
Venue: TheCube Project Space, Taipei
Speakers: Guo Jau-Lan, Au Sow Yee, Chen Yow-Ruu
TheCube is honored to invite Au Sow Yee and Chen Yow-Ruu to present their solo exhibition The Rocking Dream. Au Sow Yee and Chen Yow-Ruu are members of artistic duo Her Lab Space. The Rocking Dream is their first joint Solo Exhibition.
The exhibition is extended from a commissioned work entitled Bad Dream Rocking a.k.a The Rocking Malay(a) by Singapore Art Museum in 2024, for Lost & Found: Embodied Archive. The work explores the unstable situations of identity borders through a Malay folklore Si Tanggang, opening up complex transformations of folklore, memory and politics. While The Rocking Dream utilizes hybrid elements such as video, sound archive and miniature model. Si Tanggang tells the story of the protagonist cursed by his mother into a rock after he renounced his mother in search of wealth, hierarchy, new identity and new ethnicity. Integrating interviews of stateless children in Malaysia as well as their re-narration and imagination of the folklore, Bad Dream Rocking a.k.a The Rocking Malay(a) explores the many iterations of Si Tanggang through re-enactment, adaptation, deconstruction, news report and metafiction. Her Lab Space re-interprates Si Tanggang into a work with multiple and dialectical yet ambiguos dimensions of inside and outside, natives and outsiders etc, through deconstruction and construction of the story. It is like an occassional bad dream , a rocking machine.
The Rocking Dream is a play o the word “Rocking”. Its root is Rock, and rock is something that is stable. While “Rocking” indicates an unstable and swaying state. This exhibition is a metaphorical voyage of the complex politics on the construction and deconstruction of identity.
>>>> About Her Lab Space <<<<
Her Lab Space was establish by theater maker and artist Chen Yow-Ruu at Kaohsiung in 2016. Since 2017, she collaborated with Malaysian born Taipei based artist Au Sow Yee in numerous works and projects, presented in ambiguous and hybrid forms of theatricality, performative video installation, theatre and performance.
Her Lab Space website:
>>>> About the Artists <<<<
Au Sow Yee
Au Sow Yee was born in Kuala Lumpur, she now lives and works in Taipei. Her works integrate mixed formats of moving images, conceptual art, installation and theatrical settings and creates artworks intertwining an unique sense of space/time montage. She explores and extends perception on image and image making, and its relationship with history, politics, and power. Sow Yee recent research includes resonances of post-colonialism and the Cold War as well as folklore, popular culture such as alternative film history, genre films, music and the undercurrents of historiography. Au Sow Yee's works utilize humorous, poetic and sometimes fractured ways to construct dialectically complex fragmented narratives and changes in time. She is a recipient of Honorable Mentions in 2021 Taipei Art Award, and a finalist in the 2018 Asia Pacific Breweries Signature Art Prize. Sow Yee’s works were exhibited in 2023 Sharjah Biennale, 2022 Busan Biennale, Singapore Art Museum, MMCA (Seoul), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo), HKW (Berlin), Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum, BACC (Bangkok) and various other exhibitions and screenings.
Au Sow Yee’s website:
Chen Yow-Ruu
Chen Yow-Ruu was born in Kaohsiung, she now lives and works in Taipei. Yow-Ruu is a theatre director, performer and artist. She received her MFA degree in Directing from the Taipei National University of the Arts. Her works often integrate the local environment, using sound, video, installation and live performances as creative tactics. She likes to use a mixture of forms and sound for developing themes in her performative works. Her theater directional works include Rock Rock Crafting A Streetcar Named Desire, Studio M Hedwig, 2022 Taipei Arts Festival Glory Hole. Yow-Ruu’s collaboration with Au Sow Yee were included in group exhibitions such as 2024 Singapore Art Museum Lost & Found: Embodied Archive, 2023 New Taipei City Art Museum Interweaving Travelers, 2022 C-LAB’s The Unrestricted Society, 2017 Taipei Fine Arts Museum’s Arena etc. In 2023, together with Au Sow Yee, she was invited to be the artists of residency for G7 Theater’s SYNTOPIA project in Mannheim Germany.
Organizers: TheCube Project Space, Her Lab Space
Sponsors: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
*TheCube Project Space is supported by NCAF, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, Live Forever Foundation and Chen Po-Wen.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
TheCube Project Space 立方計劃空間, 台灣100046台北市中正區羅斯福路四段136巷1弄13號,Taipei, Taiwan